
Jackson Bosenbark was born in College Station, TX. The first in his family to pursue music professionally, he is currently finishing up his senior year at the University of Texas at San Antonio, studying music composition. He has studied under several fine composers, including Ethan Wickman, James Syler, S. Andrew Lloyd, and Christopher Prosser. He has had pieces performed by several ensembles, including the Austin Symphony Orchestra, UTSA faculty, the UTSA String Band, and several student ensembles. In addition to composing, he plays the viola in the orchestras at his university and church.

Jackson draws inspiration from a wide variety of composers, but most notably from 20th-century British composers like Raiph Vaughan Williams, Herbert Howells, and Benjamin Britten, and strives to build upon their evocative and emotionally-rich styles.

Jackson plans to continue studying music in graduate school after he graduates from his undergraduate program.

CV (pdf)